January 18, 2005

Sketchy At Best (Excerpt)

January 16, 2005

Establishing Shot-
Wide on the exterior of a small coffee shop.

Wide shot. Interior of said shop. (Use the Crave for reference) It’s not too crowded, maybe a half dozen people. In the corner, we can see MIKE and LYNN.

You’re kidding.


Tight on the date. There’s a huge cup of coffee in front of MIKE. LYNN’s got a glass of soda or tea or something.

You’re the first non-geek (no offense) I’ve EVER met that’s read Sandman. How’d you get into it?

Well, I’m a HUGE Tori Amos fan…

Close on LYNN.

…so it came from that, I guess. I heard he based Delirium on her, yeah?

Back to the pair.

That’s the story. Are you into any other comics?

Close on MIKE, an expression of shock and horror on his face.

LYNN (O.S.)-
Yeah, I love FATHOM.

R.I.P. Will Eisner

January 5, 2005

Will Eisner, influential comic creator, died Monday evening. He was 87.


January 4, 2005

I’ve had a serious case of writer’s black lately.  I’ve wanted to write, I really have, Just can’t get anything down.  It only seems to be here.  I actually drew the other day.  It’s atrocious and God-ugly, but I actually drew.  Nothing special, just a little one page comic, but still.  I’ve had an idea floating around that I’ve been trying to flesh out for the CCN’s Tsunami Relief Anthology.  Again, probably just one page, maybe two, but still, it’s something.  When it’s done and off at the printer’s, I’m going to auction off the piece, proceeds going to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders.  As usual, more details when I actually finish the piece.

As I’m writing this, I’m thinking I want to start doing commission work.  So, if anyone wants a sketch, e-mail, IM, leave a comment, call, whatever, let me know.  I’m not charging anything crazy, just depends on the size and amount of detail desired.